SXD Workshops
SX design will increase the effectiveness of the learning process
based on student-oriented design.
based on student-oriented design.
The inclusion of modern information technologies in the education sector will eventually lead to automated learning, which may be based on student experience design principles.
Join us!
InnESC - Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support Center
May 22, Time.15.00-17.00, room 2010
NUACA, Yerevan, 109 Teryan str

15.00 = 15.30
SX design as a new learning model
Presenter: Ares Hovhannesyan
15.30 = 16.00
The student as a user in the learning process
Presenter: Ares Hovhannesyan
16.00 -16.30
Three-modal Assignments in SX Design:
Presenter: Hermine Samvelyan
16.30 -17.00
Q&A Session

Thank you for registration!