SXD Cycle and Principles
Based on this idea, we recommend using the following SX design principles for design student learning experiences on the basis of demands of specific students and their learning experience.
1. SX design is a student-oriented design that helps to enhance and correct the learning experience and curriculum.
2. SX design helps to design correctly both the assignments and tasks.
3. SX design enables to classify up students to three types: beginner, intermediate and experts.
4. SX design "personas" are created from different groups or types of students that determine the main objectives of the learning experience and there demands to given assignments.
5. The "personas" for the student is defined by the students included in that group, classroom, or certain educational institution.
6. Regular testing of students' knowledge and skill must be used to determine the severity of the assignments for the type of student concerned.
7. The initial selection assignment or task is given at the beginning of the training sessions and aims to identify beginners, intermediate and experts students in the given group.
8.Initial assignments and tasks complexity should be optimized for students with a medium skill or intermediates
9.The level of complexity of the priorities should be matched to the student's skills and knowledge.
10. The migration dynamics of students learning experience determines the changes in the complexity of the task during the learning challenge and the number of SX design cycles or iterations.