SXD Assignment Estimation Survey Results for Adobe Photoshop Course
During Adobe Photoshop course, students were tested based on the results of the SXD Assignment Estimation Survey. The survey was conducted in the initial and final stages of the course.
Figure 1 shows the results of a survey conducted at the initial stage, which presents the relative values of students' abilities according to Bloom's taxonomy. These are remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating. Here, the student had the opportunity to pass self-assess by noting any of the “sufficient”, “good” or “excellent” of answers.
The first diagram in Figure 1 shows the results of all students' self-assessments. Here, the student self-assesses his or her level of knowledge by identifying himself or herself as a beginner, intermediate or expert user, according to the extended definitions of Bloom's taxonomy, which describe the appropriate level. The results are presented in percentage terms according to the total number of students.

Figure 1․ The results of the survey conducted at the initial stage of the course
The results of the survey conducted during the final stage of the course are presented in Figure 2. These analysis allows us to conclude that;
• the number of expert students increased by 4.2%
• the number of students with intermediate skills increased by 23.3%
• the number of students with beginner skills has decreased by 27%

Figure 2․ The results of the survey conducted during the final stage of the course
The results coincide with the basic concept of SX design that all students on the initial stage of learning are beginners range and the dynamics of their abilities and skills are also described in the form of a bell-shaped curve that expresses the student's demands on learning process and assignments and vary considerable on their experience..
In the process of recalculating of the survey results of students' abilities, there is a transformation of sufficient abilities, dynamics of growth of good abilities and values of excellent abilities.
The first part of the SXD Assignment Estimation Survey includes the determination of the usability rating of the assignment. It includes four main concepts of usability:
- Attractiveness - The overall impression of the task. The student likes or dislikes it
- Understanding - Is it easy to understand the task and how to solve it?
- Promotion - Is it interesting and fun to solve the task?
- Innovation - Is the task creative and meets the requirements of the beneficiary?
This makes it possible to assess the student's comprehensive experience of the task, which expresses students’ knowledge and emotional attitude to the assignment. This attitude of the student to the given task can substantiate the level of his knowledge and skills.
Therefore, the rating criterion of a particular component of a given task can be expressed in its digital estimation.
For example, the average value of the "Lightening" task performance rating offered by us is 5.06 points for students according to the 7-point system.
By summarizing the total average of the values obtained from all 20 individual components included in the given assignment, one can find the total rating score of the given assignment. In our case, it is 5.45 according to the 7 point system. This pointing on the need to include this assignment in the training course.
Thus, the results of the SXD Assignment Estimation Survey can be used to estimate general course effectiveness and for designing whole course.