SXD Assignment Estimation Survey
The survey for the SXD Assignment Estimation which has been developed and adapted to assess the overall impression of the student experience on the given task, and is expressed in the usability classic concepts, attraction, comprehension, promotion and novelty that expresses his knowledge and emotional attitude to the given assignment has been formed on the basis and modification of User Experience Questionnaire proposed by the UEQ Team for measuring the User Experience of Interactive products. This student's attitude to the proposed assignment can justify his level of knowledge and skills. Compatible with the Bloom Taxonomy six definitions, which are, remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating enables the student to acquire a more complete picture of the mental abilities of the proposed assignment. In addition, this questionnaire gives the student the opportunity to self-assess his knowledge of the subject.
The survey consists of three sections:
The first section contains a list of contradictory concepts that have to choose their attitude, preferring one or another definition. These contradictory definitions are included in three subgroups and describe classical concepts of usability
Attractiveness - The general imprint of the proposal. A student likes or dislikes it
Perspicuity - Is it easy to understand the task and how to solve it?
Simulation - Is it interesting and fun to solve the challenge?
Novelty - Is it a creative job and meets the needs of the beneficiary?
The second section contains the definitions of Blooms Taxonomy. They are: remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating and creating. Here, the student has the opportunity to perform self-assessment as bad, good or excellent.
In the third section, a student performs a self-assessment of his level of knowledge by setting himself as a beginner, intermediate or a expert user, with an expanded definition of Bloom’s Taxonomy levels that describe each level.
SXD Assignment Survey example created for estimating assignment given during Adobe Illustrator learning course.