SXD Assignment Performance and Assessment Model
In the SX design teaching without grading is an opportunity that avoids stressful situations between learners and teachers and motivates students not only with high appreciation but also with the enrichment of their personal knowledge.
The proposed model estimates the number of assignments performed, the final result of which is its level of knowledge and capabilities. As a result of the learning process, learners are divided into three groups, beginner, intermediates and experts, respectively, which express their skills and abilities. The overweight progress begins with the Initial Selection Assignment, which outlines a three-modal assignment and contains of three level complexity different assignments. The distribution of students by groups is determined by the number of performed assignments.
“Group A” - 3 performed assignments
“Group B” - 2 performed assignments
“Group G” - 1 performed assignments
At each successive phase, each group is assigned an assignment that is relevant to that group separately. Performing two successive assignments enables the student to climb the next group. In the case of one task, the student keeps his place in that group, and if the task fails, the machine automatically drops to a low level. The maximum number of steps can be determined according to the teacher's discretion, which determines the number of passages from the group to students. At the end of all assignments, the student's belonging to that group will define a student as a beginner, intermediates, or expert person who will fit in an existing assessment system to a satisfactory, good or high score.

SXD Assignment Flow Chart
Percentage criteria for the evaluation system for 8-20 units
The percentage of student performance in different groups can be assessed according to the criteria of the assessment. If, for example, “Group A” is evaluated in the range of 18-20, interest rates may be expressed as follows:
Total number of assignments performed in “Group A”: 100% - 20 points
Total number of assignments performed in “Group A”: 90% - 19 points
Total number of assignments performed in “Group A”: 80% - 18 points
The maximum percentage of all assignments performed in “Group B” can be: 70% - 17 points
The minimum percentage of all assignments performed in “Group C” can be: 30% - 8 points
Percentage criteria for a five-point assessment system
Total number of assignments performed in “Group A”: 100-80% - 5 points
Total number of assignments performed in “Group B”: 80-70% - 4 points
Total number of assignments performed in “Group C”: 70-30% - 3 points